Welcome!  I will be writing updates and posting them to this blog to provide an inside glimps of experiences my husband and I have throughout our stay in Thailand 2009.

I have used this same blog for many of the previous international trips that I have taken, including those to Haiti and Africa.  I am now in Thailand as of January 1, 2009 with my husband and will be here for some time.  If you are interested in reading about previous trips, please scroll down, otherwise read the most recent post for the latest happenings in our lives!

Thanks for checking in!

Friday, July 20, 2007

still on my mind, of course...

Since completing my assignments in Africa, and being home in Anchorage, Alaska for the last few days, I have been re-connecting with just a few friends, attempting to re-establish adequate sleeping hours (there is a 13 hour difference in Africa, and I am finding this process difficult!) and working on my school work that is soon due for the completion of the 18 credit summer semester I am doing through Alaska Pacific University.

Naturally, as to be expected, there is the re-adjustment period that I am walking through after returning from a foriegn third-world country back to America. I do not find this to be too difficult at the moment, but I am aware that I am not spending a lot of time in deep conversation, or even writing about these things at this time. I am however, waking up each morning with the awareness that 'perhaps' something could happen today that may trigger a memory of a time in Africa which may provoke challenging feelings to work through. With this in mind, each day continues to be an adventure, despite being back. America presents itself to me with whole new set of experiences, adventures, situations, circumstances, know, this thing called LIVING!

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